Background Checked

Painters You Can Trust!

Call (717) 610-0160

  • 100% Background Checked Team Members
  • Licensed & Insured
  • Family Owned & Operated
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed!
  • Warranty Included!
  • Free Estimates

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  • * By completing this form, you authorize our company to communicate with you via text, voice and email. We will never share your information.
An interior wall color can lay the foundation for any type of decor. Not to mention, quality exterior paint jobs complement the landscaping and enhance curb appeal.

If your house or condo looks outdated or slightly the worse for wear, you’ve come to the right place. Prime 1 Painting has a way of making you feel like you got a complete home makeover.

Home improvement shows might inspire you to attempt this project to your own. Think twice. There’s a little technique called editing that makes painting look a lot easier on TV. Professional house painting services exist for a reason.

What Are Some of the Advantages of Hiring a Residential Painting Contractor?

Superior Quality

Our Painters at Prime 1 Painting have more than 10 years of experience in Enola, Mechanicsburg, Harrisburg, and the surrounding areas. We have an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of all types of interior and exterior paint.

Simply put, we know how different paints will behave, so to speak, on your walls. There is a science to it. We can recommend products that can fight mold and mildew in bathrooms and other damp environments.


Our crew members don’t just know paint. They stay current on the latest equipment, techniques and eco-friendly practices.


When it comes to expert house painting, there are no shortcuts. Walls must be properly sanded and primed. Cracks, bumps, and nails can’t be overlooked either.

Taping is also an art. The tape job can make or break the final result, and there are different tapes for different types of paints. Do-it-yourselves who don’t know that can end up with unsightly drips and splatters on the woodwork and other walls.

Attention to Detail

Outside, small gaps above doors or under paneling are easy to miss. Left unpainted, they invite mold and leave your home vulnerable to pests.

Thanks to the knowledge of thorough prep work and attention to detail, our house painting services are second to none.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Hiring Professional Residential Painters Efficient?

Painting Professionals who do this day in and day out work smartly and efficiently. They have a system.

Prime 1 painters don’t waste time going back and forth to the home improvement store because they forgot a couple of tools. We don’t make costly mistakes that waste paint or require starting all over either. Nor do we leave behind a paint bucket that an energetic dog could overturn.

From covering furniture to cleaning up, our residential painting contractors are the best in the business at what they do. We’re committed to delivering first-rate results.

Does Hiring Professional Residential Painters Save Me Money?

Most homeowners think they’ll save a fortune by doing their own painting. That’s not always true.
Paint, equipment and miscellaneous supplies like those below quickly add up:

  • Stepladders and/or extension ladders
  • Drop cloths to protect floors, furniture or shrubbery
  • Paint scrapers
  • Steel wool for removing corrosion
  • Wire, bristle or scrub brushes for removing dirt and mildew
  • Long-handled brush for exterior surfaces
  • Putty knives
  • Spackling paste for imperfections and nail holes
  • Sandpaper of various grains
  • Sanding block
  • Caulk and caulking gun
  • Masking tape
  • Trim guard or paint guide
  • Various brushes and rollers
  • Roller trays
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Gloves, masks or other protective gear

Not only do our painting professionals have the equipment, but they have the perfect equipment.

For instance, paint brushes are designed for specific paints and tasks. Rollers come in a variety of sizes, weights, and naps for specific surfaces.

When you trust us with your house painting services, we’ll select the very best tools for the job.

Can Hiring a Residential Painting Contractor Save Me Time?

The first thing most do-it-yourself painters notice is that their home is much larger than they ever realized. There are nooks and crannies that they have never noticed.

Staying Safe While Painting Your Home

Every year, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, around half a million Americans are treated for ladder-related injuries. 97% of accidents occur in homes or on farms.


 There are even more dangers associated with painting:

  • Inhaling toxic fumes from some
  • Paints and cleaning solutions
  • Inhaling dust particles while sanding
  • Risking electrical shock
  • Slipping on plastic floor coverings
  • Smoking while painting or using flammable solutions
  • Exposing the skin to harsh chemicals

If your house or condominium was built before 1978, lead paint may have been used. We can test for lead paint and use approved methods to remove it. Scraping or using heat to strip lead paint is hazardous to your health and should only be done by a professional.

Fortunately, most paints are safer and release fewer fumes these days. We can advise you about safe storage or disposal of leftover paint.

Peace of Mind Using professional House Painting Services

Our house painters are experienced, courteous and timely. When you see how quickly and proficiently they work, you won’t regret hiring them.

We also closely examine all applicants who wish to work for us. Customer safety is our priority, so you can rest assured that anyone representing our company in your home has undergone an extensive background check.

It should go without saying that each team member is trained, licensed and fully insured.

Guaranteed Satisfaction

There’s more to residential painting that knowledge and still. Our house painters approach every job with integrity and determination to please.


68 Tory Circle, Enola, PA 17025


(717) 610-0160

Peace of Mind Using professional House Painting Services

A residential painting contractor will thoroughly inspect your property and provide a free estimate.

The quality of our house painting services is guaranteed to exceed your expectations.