A home upgrade in Harrisburg PA won’t come cheap, but when the results knock your socks off, you’ll be glad you took the plunge. A fresh coat of interior or exterior house paint can raise your home’s “wow” factor and give your property an impact that you never thought possible.

On the other hand, the same job performed by unscrupulous house painters can leave your home in such a dismal condition that you have to pay a team of exterior home painting experts to mitigate the damages.

Interior and exterior painting projects require a high degree of technical expertise and a well-honed appreciation of art and beauty. The creative spirit, fueled by a commitment to achieve the best possible results, is that from which masterpieces are born. Conversely, slapping on a coat of paint and calling it done is an insult to homes and house painters everywhere. Accomplished home painting professionals know what they’re doing, and they’re not afraid to tell you about it. In fact, an honest house painter might give you more information than you actually need.

Review the relevant information before you sign a contract, not after. As a concerned homeowner, you owe it to yourself, your family and your community to avoid being taken to the cleaners by fly-by-night house painters.

Exercise Due Diligence

Interview the interior and exterior painting professionals on your list after carefully preparing your questions. Does the company guarantee their work? What does that mean? Do they refund your money if you don’t like the results? You wouldn’t be the first person to discover after the fact that the “guarantee” is only valid with the purchase of a Preferred Painting Club Membership. There are similar stories, but you know what we mean.

Here is some insider information to help you get the most bang from your home upgrade dollar while avoiding the deceitful practices of sleazy painting contractors.

Avoid These Painters No Matter What

How do you know if a painting contractor can be trusted? That’s the most important question on the list. If the contractor gives you an estimate that seems significantly out of line with the prevailing market prices, you might want to investigate further.

Don’t let a potentially shady contractor rush you into a dubious contract agreement by offering you a “one-time special offer” that expires at the end of the day. A reputable contractor will give you an upfront estimate and encourage you to compare it with other estimates from similar painting companies in the Harrisburg PA area.

We guarantee your satisfaction, and we always make good on our promises. That being said, here’s what to look out for:

Questionable Payment Arrangements

Requiring an upfront deposit before work begins does not seem unreasonable on the face of it. However, the type of payment and the amount requested might seem slightly off.

The contractor might want you to cover the cost of materials before work is underway. They could request a deposit totaling half of the entire estimate. Most painting professionals understand that homeowners might find this unreasonable. Nevertheless, painting companies must cover their losses if a homeowner fails to pay. A small “good faith” deposit tells the painting company that you mean business and agree to pay the full amount due when the project is completed.

A contractor who only accepts cash is a prescription for trouble. The contractor might prefer to receive cash, but an honest contractor will accept a check. Some contractors even take credit cards.

Estimate Information Is Insufficient or Incorrect

An upstanding contractor will present you with an accurate and detailed estimate listing all of the work to be done, all of the products to be used and the total cost of everything. You might be offered a verbal estimate that you accept on the spot. Nevertheless, you should still ask for a complete written estimate to back it up. If the contractor refuses, run screaming in the other direction.

Inability to Show Proof of Insurance

Insurance is not required in every state. Nevertheless, running a painting company without adequate insurance coverage equals trouble times 10. A respectable painting contractor will be happy to provide a copy of their business insurance policy. If the contractor refuses, fire the contractor and be grateful that no one was hurt on your watch.

Second-rate Products

Beware of any contractor who tries to trick you into buying cheesy paint. If the materials to be used appear shoddy, ask the contractor to explain why. Professional painters prefer to work with premium products. Fake painters may not know one paint from another. Cheap paint is a low-quality product, and it looks it.

Limited Painting Experience

It often happens that an experienced painting contractor opens a breakaway house painting company. Because the business is brand new, the employees appear to have little or no experience. However, their combined experience is impressive. In such cases, ask questions and use discernment.

This Business Has No Reviews

Almost every painting company in existence has received at least a few online reviews. If the company you are interviewing has zero online reviews and zero previous clients, it’s best to continue your search elsewhere.

Although a few coats of paint can take your home from lackluster to bedazzling, contain your excitement until your research is complete. If you did a thorough job of interviewing clients, you’ve probably already found a painting contractor who can deliver the results you want.

Don’t get taken in by shady house painters. Instead, separate the chaff from the wheat. It’s easy to guarantee satisfaction when you know what you have is exceptional. At Prime 1 Painting, we can guarantee that you’ll be happy with our work because we know our work is that good.

To learn more about the joys of working with a world-class exterior painting contractor in Harrisburg PA, visit us online or call us directly.